Fashion Archives, Runway & Reviews

All about Couture Fall 2023

Valentino: Simplicity reigns at Château de Chantilly; the show defied expectations, questioning the…


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The Politics of What We Wear – Does it Even Matter?

Fashion and Politics – The two have been in bed together since humans started wearing clothes, now more explicitly than before. A moment I cannot stop thinking about when I think of politics and fashion is when Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez…

Your guide to Sustainable Fashion

Let’s get to it, Here’s your quick little guide to sustainable fashion Buy Smart: Do you really NEED that dress? the answer is almost always No. It’s pretty simple actually, think before buying! Many times we are swayed by…

Why does the UK Monarchy still exist?

I remember a while ago reading an article that the Royal family is looking to be more modern and that whole statement is quite a paradox. A Monarchy obviously seems to be a quite regressive albeit unnecessary concept and…